Let's make a positive difference

At Thrive Restaurant Group, we're more than just dining destinations; we're a vibrant community hub where exceptional food meets meaningful connections. We believe that everybody matters, wants to make a difference, and that the experience of work can enrich people and contribute to their flourishing in life. That belief is embodied in our invitation and lived out in our values and mindsets.
Make a positive difference.

Home Office Opportunities
Thrive Restaurant Group is headquartered in Wichita, KS nestled in the heartland of America. The city has long served as an innovative hub for the hospitality industry from our early days in Pizza Hut to numerous national brands making their humble beginnings in Wichita. And now you can be a part of the next generation of creators and innovators by joining Thrive as one of the largest and fastest growing restaurant companies in the country. From technological innovations like Nigel to emerging brands like HomeGrown to our 25 year partnership with Applebee’s there are opportunities for you to make a difference. We have a primary headquarters in Kansas with hubs focused on specific brands/ operations in cities across the country. Think you could help make the world a better place? Shoot us a note. We look forward to hearing from you.

Restaurant Opportunities
We don’t have a big vision or purpose statement, just an invitation: We invite you to make a difference.
Our goal is for you to be better off for your time with us and we want to be better because of you (whether we’re a temporary stop or a place you want to build a career). We want you to feel energized coming to and leaving work to develop your leadership skills, and to build confidence in yourself so you can move closer to your career goals, financial goals, and relational goals. We hope to instill in you a love for hospitality and better understanding of leadership, business and restaurants. At Thrive Restaurant Group we act like family and play like a team.
Taking Care of One Another
The Family Fund was created to support Thrive team members and their families when they are faced with unexpected challenges. The Fund is entirely employee-funded, and is governed by a board of employees who are non-owners of Thrive Restaurant Group.
We have given over $1,000,000 to our team members since 2016. The fund has covered the lost wages for a single parent when their child was ill, replaced clothes, toys, and food for families who have their homes destroyed by floods or fire, and helped team members get back on their feet after challenges at home. The Thrive Family Fund is the embodiment of our belief that together is better.
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Committed to our values, no matter what.
Respect is the basic notion that everybody is somebody — not a function, cog, or disposable. Each and every person matters. We show respect when anticipate needs and meet them, when we ask questions, when we give feedback and recognition, and when we see and develop the potential in ourselves and others.
The Results we’re after are Flourishing People and Thriving Businesses. We view those as mutually inclusive. A thriving business is the best way to help people flourish. And flourishing people are how we want to create a thriving business. To get results like that, we need you to bring your best ideas to work, your personality, your positivity, your eagerness, and your hopefulness. We want you to make things better.
Relationships are foundational to our well being as humans. We were built for connection. Those with healthy relationships are happier, more engaged and more productive, not just at work but in their personal lives as well. To promote healthy relationships we approach everyone from a place of trust, we strive to be excellent to each other, we give and ask for forgiveness, and we keep short accounts. We want you, in all areas of your life, to be better off for your time with us — relationships included.